Sunday 8 May 2011

My Last Post!!

It is sad to say but this is my last posting! I hope you enjoyed my blog over the past few months, I do apologies for my shocking computer skills, I still haven’t mastered how to post a blog successfully with it looking properly! You know what i’m talking about, all those sentences and words starting half way across the page, darn it!!! I have learnt a lot from this experience and fingers crossed that what I had to say was a learning experience for you to read :)
Cheers everyone, see ya next time!
I want to end this blog on my latest favourite YouTube clip....Chow!! :)

Tutorial Six: The Internet and online communities!

Sawatdee Kaa!
Today’s blog is all about the internet and online communities! I will be introducing to you 3 online communities and will tell you some detailed info about them, enjoy!

A topic of interest that I want to introduce today is social networking. The following online communities relate to this topic, however to begin with I want to provide you with a definition of what online communities are from : An online community is a virtual community that exists online and whose members enable its existence through taking part in membership ritual”.

This online communities provides a system similar to this blog, where people can join and create ‘groups’ and have continuous discussions about them sharing each other’s thoughts.
According to : Face book allows different networks and groups to which many users can join. It also allows privacy settings on basis of networks. Groups are used for discussions and events etc. Groups are a way of enabling a number of people to come together online to share information and discuss specific subjects. They are increasingly used by clubs, companies and public sector organizations to engage with stakeholders - be they members of the public, employees, members, service users, shareholders or customers. A group includes but is not limited to the following: the members who have joined recent news contents, wall contents, photos, posted items, videos and all associated comments of such items. People can contribute to the site by joining up and creating there own groups and sharing and discussing their own thoughts with others.                                                                                                                                                          **One would think people choose to contribute to this community because Face book is a great way to meet friends and keep up on what they are doing. Once you add a friend to your Face book friend list you will always know when they are adding things to their blog or updating their profile. They can Join Face book groups to meet people like them or browse the profiles to find new friends.
**Examples of topics discussed on face book are: In my graduation year at college, the head of the year book co-ordinators created a face book page where all the year 13 students could access, in order to put up any ideas they had to make the yearbook possible! The page was short sharp and basic! The description on it was as follows: “Give us some ideas on what you want; photos, your profiles etc. invite other Waimea College Year 13's to this group too. If you want to upload photos just scroll to the bottom and click "add photos". If you’re adding photos that are obviously inappropriate they may not make it in but feel free to add them regardless. Let’s make this happen!”
Another example of a page created on face book is called “Talking to your dog like it fully understands you”. This of course is a funny topic which gets everybody laughing and involved, because really I think we all have moments where we talk to our animals like we think there listening!                                                                                                                                              **See this link for ethical issues that may arise in this Face book community:

Google blogger:                                                                                                                     The intended purpose of this site is to offer a place for people to create a page of their own that they can share to the world their thoughts and ideas about any topic of interest. Google Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a sub domain of  People can contribute to this service by joining up, creating their own accounts then interacting with other blogs and shearing there thoughts to the world! Just like I am now!               
 **One would think people choose to contribute to this community because you can use blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest. You can host blogs with multiple contributors, or you can run your own solo show. Although there are fancier blog tools out there, the mixture of cost (free) and flexibility makes Blogger one of the best deals around.  **Examples of topics discussed on the blogs: Today the example I would like to address is my own blog which you are currently reading! The example of what this blog is about is as follows:
“Kiaora, My names Rachel Thomas and I’m a second year Otago Polytechnic student studying Occupational therapy. This blog is created for a paper in the course that I am studying which is called ‘Participation In Occupation One’. In this course we are looking at digital and information technology, which is why we are creating a blog. We are interested in how digital and information technology fits within current human occupation and what the implications might be for OT practice”.                                                                                                                                  **With blogging there are potential dangers with writing n the public sphere so when creating an account you need to address the ethical issues such as not disclosing nay personal information or details, making your blog optional. See this link for more information on ethical issues that could be a risk:

Twitter:                                                                                                                                    The intended purpose of this site is to provide a service for people to share their thoughts to the world! Twitter is a website which offers a social networking and micro blogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called ‘tweets’. People contribute to this service by joining up, making an account and connecting with others who also are joined up to the service.                                                                                                                                                              **One would think people choose to contribute to this community because it’s a great place for keeping people informed on what you are up to without the need to spend a lot of time crafting an entire post on the subject. You just say what's up and leave it at that.
**To show you an example of types of topics being discussed, watch this video as it explains it all! Enjoy!

These online communities have benefits over the more traditional geographical communities. Online communities provide a network for people to connect through space where they can share their own thoughts, interest and concerns. People connecting can be anywhere in the world and still be participating fully in the community. However, traditional communities provide the real and more physical senses of a community where people can connect face to face, in reality! Both communities however both provide support, information, friendship and acceptance between strangers.

Tutorial Seven:Linking to blogs of interest and exchanging comments


In today’s blog I will  link you to 5 blogs of interest that relate to Occupational therapy practice! I have also completed the task of posting a comment on these chosen blogs related to a point of interest,,,,,

My Five Blogs About Occupational Therapy:                                                                                                                                                 1)

A comment that I posted to this site: joined in on a topic about Dementia which i find effects me personally as i have had experiences with my own Granddad who has dementia. My comment was the following:
“Dementia is a tough one to handle, especially when your loved ones have it. I have a granddad that has it and every time I go visit him I have to be careful that I don’t bombard him with my presence as he will have no clue of who I am.  However, I believe I’ll learn from these personal experiences with my granddad and plan to apply how i deal with the situations in the future for when i work with my own patients. For example, on arrival into there rooms I will always approach them softly, will introduce myself and try to make the person as comfortable as possible without startling them, where I can then try to build a therapeutic relationship with them.
I wish your Grandmother all the best and feel for you and how its hard to manage having a loved one with Dementia”

Tutorial Eight: Assistive Technology

In today’s blog we will be talking about Assistive technology and what this is, and  one piece of equipment introduced in the assistive technology tutorial! Enjoy!
According to Gerard (2001) “Assistive Technology commonly refers to products, devices or equipment, whether acquired commercially, modified or customized, that are used to maintain, increase or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities” (p.1). From this definition I understand that assistive technology refers to products that can enable people with disabilities to accomplish daily living tasks, assist them in communication, work or recreation activities, and education, basically helping them achieve a greater independence and enhance their quality of life. According to Gerard (2001) “Assistive Technology devices can help improve physical or mental functioning, overcome a disorder or impairment, help prevent the worsening of a condition, strengthen a physical or mental weakness, help improve a person's capacity to learn, or even replace a missing limb” (p.1).
In conjunction with this Assistive Technology Services are around to support people with disabilities or their caregivers to help them choose, obtain, or use adaptive devices. Examples of such services include functional evaluations, training on devices, product demonstration, and equipment purchasing or leasing (Gerard, 2001).

**People who have been living with reduced or limited mobility may feel as though their simple daily activities are greatly restricted. Things that many people take for granted, like moving around their house or going to the supermarket, can become huge hurdles in the lives of those with limited mobility. Thankfully, now more than ever there are things that people suffering with mobility issues can do to improve their mobility and the overall quality of their life. One of these things is to look into the benefits of electric wheelchairs (The wheelchair site, 2011). An electric-powered wheelchair moves via the means of a motor and navigational controls, usually a small joystick mounted on the armrest, rather than manual power. Electric wheelchairs increase occupational capacity for their users for many reasons. An electric wheelchair can allow for independence by having the ability to move freely about the home. Many individuals who have limited mobility but do not choose to use a wheelchair can suffer from falls, resulting in factures, breaks, and other harm. When using an electric wheelchair, people are less likely to fall or fracture a bone. Electric wheelchairs also virtually eliminates the need for another person to help around the home which is a huge occupational benefit for the user (Handicapped equipment, 2011).
People who incorporate electric wheelchairs into their plan for overall mobility and independence are able to maintain their lifestyle for much longer than many of those who have chosen not to utilize electric wheelchairs for increased mobility.
-According to The wheelchair site (2011) Electric wheelchairs currently cost between $1,600 and $7,500, and are available in three basic models: rear-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, and mid-wheel drive.                                                                                                                                               *Rear-wheel drive wheelchairs are the traditional and most popular style. They are generally faster than front-wheel models but provide poor turning capabilities in comparison to front-wheel and mid-wheel models.                                                                                                        *Front-wheel drive wheelchairs have become more common because they provide tighter turning functions. Most front-wheel drive wheelchairs have a slightly lower top speed than rear-wheels because they tend to turn too readily at high speeds.                                                                                                                                                              *Mid-wheel drive wheelchairs provide the tightest turning of all, but have a tendency to be unsteady when stopping and starting. Mid-wheel drives have caster wheels in the rear and an extra set of anti-tip wheels in front, which may limit their use on uneven surfaces” (p.1).
The wheelchair site (2011) also states that both of the following are additional features of an electric wheelchair which can provide relief and help to prevent pressure sores.                                                                                                                                           Electric Wheelchair Power tilt - A feature that tilts the entire seat assembly and footrests upwards to a 45-degree angle.                                                                                                  Electric Wheelchair Recliner - A feature that tilts the seat back and raises the leg rests up horizontally” (p.1).

The following links are examples of electric wheelchairs in use:
This link is an example of how an indoor soccer team with disabilities can play using their electric wheelchairs:
This YouTube link is all about electric wheelchairs and their benefits

APA referencing:
Electric wheelchairs. 2011. Are Electric Wheelchairs a Good Option for the Physically Handicapped. Retrieved may 6th 2011 from:
The wheelchair site. 2011. Electric wheelchairs. Retrieved may 4th from:
Handicapped equipment. 2011. How and electric wheelchair can improve mobility. Retrieved May 1 2011 from:
Gerard, D. 2001.Assistive technology. Retrieved may 1 from:

Saturday 7 May 2011

Tutorial five: Video production sessions

Guten Tag!
In today’s tutorial I will discuss with you the services of YouTube, and show you 5 online videos that display information about a meaningful occupation to me. Here goes, enjoy!

“Founded in February 2005, YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email” (Mashable.2010).
(Features of youtube.2011) states that YouTube has a variety of features for its users and developers.
In general YouTube has the features of:
-playlists and shows
-comments and comment search
In considering the feature of video technology YouTube has the features of:
-quality and codec’s
-3d videos
-video editor
In considering the feature of content accessibility YouTube has the features of:
-annotations and captions

For those who wish to do a little more research, take a look at this website about YouTube, enjoy!!

***An occupation that has become of huge personal interest to me is exercise! The big thing about becoming a ‘Uni kid’ is the known fact that you get fat!! Of course to begin with I’m not a small sized person, I like to joke that I’m a ‘lard’ which makes the situation less serious if the scales do get up a bit high, however EXERCISE, DIET AND A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE have proved to be crucial and meaningful occupations of mine to keeping healthy. Below I have added some links to YouTube videos which link in to help explain, demonstrate, or provide personal experiences of this personal occupation! 

-I have had the personal challenge of experiencing the ‘Lemon Detox diet’ which everyone seems to rave on about.  I must say it was a unique experience, had some negatives but certainly some positives as I stuck to it and achieved a weight loss of 4.5kg and have kept the majority of it off! Here’s a YouTube link of what the lemon detox is all about, enjoy!

-I have had the personal challenges of watching and experiencing the ‘8 minute abs workout’ in the comfort of my own home where I watched the clip of how to do it on you tube. I must add that the video is old school which made for a few good laughs!! Enjoy!

- The following video is a clip I interpret as an inspiration, not just entertainment. The star of this ‘mu hump’ clip should be an inspiration to us all as he shows comfort in his own body and has no shame in expressing himself to the world, even though he should perhaps be adopting meaningful occupations of exercise, a healthy lifestyle and diet. As I do no u may find this entertaining I do hope you see it as an inspiration!

--This next video I watch every time I can sense my personal motivation to eat healthy is failing. It’s a big motivator as the video displays the core benefits or particular fruits and vegetables which can beat eating kfc, McDonalds and pizza hut any day!!

-This final video is an inspirational video I also like to watch to keep me motivated into having a healthy lifestyle, and what I believe would help many others in supporting them in their journey to living a healthy lifestyle through exercise and diet. Enjoy!!

Tutorial Two: Digital imaging

 Today I will introduce and present to you the material that we covered in our tutorial two sessions which was established around ‘digital imaging’.
**To begin with I thought I would provide you with some info on digital imaging itself! So, what is Digital imaging? According to (Wen, C, & Yang, K. 2006) “Digital imaging or digital image acquisition is the creation of digital images, typically from a physical scene. The term is often assumed to imply or include the processing, compression, storage, printing, and display of such images.
Digital imaging was developed in the 1960s and 1970s, largely to avoid the operational weaknesses of film cameras, for scientific and military missions including the KH-11 program. As digital technology became cheaper in later decades it replaced the old film methods for many purposes”.
-Take a look at this YouTube clip of digital imaging, for those ‘visual learners’ :)

**Nowadays, there are innumerable ways that digital images are stored transferred and manipulated using information technology, some examples include:
-Hardware: digital cameras, computer webcam, cell phones, ipad, iPod, camera card, usb sticks, hardrives,                                                                                                                        –Networking systems: YouTube, flickr, a blog, face book, bebo, twitter, email,                                     –Software: Photo shop, paint, Microsoft office picture manager, windows photo gallery.
-To give you an example, Pictures can be loaded from your digital camera, phone or iPod onto your computer. Once loaded on each individual picture can be manipulated using software programmes, such as being cropped, rotated, enlarged, shrunk, and colour formatted to suit. The pictures that you desire can be transferred onto networking sights to be shared with the public such as face book or flickr.  There’s also the ability to print out the pictures or transfer them onto cds, disks or hardrives to keep a record of them.
-For those who would like a lesson on how to manipulate a digital image, go onto this YouTube link’s about how to edit a digital image using a software system! Enjoy! J
-The following are three examples of the use of digital imaging which provide information and recording:
Newspapers- Newspapers provide information containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features and advertising. General-interest newspapers typically publish stories on local and national political events and personalities, crime, business, entertainment, society and sports. A wide variety of material is published in newspapers, including editorial opinions, criticism, entertainment features, weather news, reviews, pictures, television listings, inserts from local merchants and cartoon. See this link for how Otago daily times newspaper use digital imaging to provide information and recording:
Magazines- Magazines provide information containing a variety of articles, pictures and current events. There are so many varieties of magazines, some contain more written information where as others contain mostly pictures. Examples of magazines include themes of, gossip, weddings, food, hunting, cars and news.  See this link for how New Zealand’s Women’s weekly use digital imaging to provide information and recording:
TV-60 minutes programme- 60 Minutes is the television newsmagazine show currently broad casted in New Zealand which provide information to New Zealand such as current events and real life stories about people e.g. investigations such as the ‘Scott guy killing’. See this link for how New Zealand’s 60minnutes use digital imaging to provide information and recording:

** “A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature”, briefly discuss this statement in relation to digital camera technology:
In this day in age digital technology is booming with countless varieties of digital cameras being produced with new features, but can’t beat the unique, traditional characteristics and identity of the old superior film cameras.
For those who want a squiz of what the traditional Polaroid camera looks like take a peek at this YouTube clip:
-After considering  the next question in this tutorial of ‘state some of the pluses and minuses digital camera technology holds in relation to more traditional film based cameras’ I have come up with the following ideas:
·         Once photo is taken immediate feedback/instant photo is given
·         Ability to take continuous amounts of photos at no cost
·         Camera cost are only initial at the start when purchasing it and the equipment you want with it, you don’t have to pay for ‘films’.
·         Ability to take pictures and delete the ones off the memory card you don’t want
·         Good quality photos
·         Zooming ability
·         Aiming ability
·         Photos can be transferable e.g. onto computer, memory card, hardrive or usb stick
·         Memory card can hold a large memory of photos
·         Affordable printing
·         Functionality
·         Inability to develop own films has gone due to the pictures instant appearance on the photo screen
·         If anything turns faulty with the batteries, memory card or the camera, photos can be lost and camera possibly ruined
·         The art and skill of taking pictures is lost as in its auto focusing
·         Batteries can go flat
**Next up in today’s post is to briefly discuss the statement ‘Given the prevalence of image capturing and distribution using IT, what ethical issues may arise with their use’.
-With the capturing and distribution of digital camera images using information technology there are of course ethical issues to consider!
The obvious issues of course are manipulation and privacy of photos which can result in bad consequences.  A person who is captured in a digital image is entitled to confidentiality and the right to privacy which should be considered when taking, manipulating and transferring images. Getting informed consent is crucial to have prior to taking photos to avoid negative situations and consequences. The images distributed on networking sights have the capability to be viewed out of context leading to further consequences, for example people could interpret an excited, smiley and happy person in a photo to instead be a drunk and out of control person which isn’t the correct analysis of what really happened. The ability for photos to be manipulated such as things being added into a photo or taken out using software systems becomes an issue as people in the photo can be put into treacherous situations.

**The following are some ways that digital images could, or are, being used in occupational therapy practice:
-pictures can be used and stored to keep a record, memory or evidence for to use in cases where clients object and demand proof
-To keep record of individual client progress
-To keep records of house modification progresses in clients homes
-Digital cameras can be used as a means of a meaningful occupation activity with clients, something fun and unique for clients to participate in
-scrapbook or a notice board with photos could be used for clients to create, displaying meaningful photos to them. This could also work as a means of communication, for example if the therapist can verbally communicate with a client they could point to a photo displayed on a notice board which correlates to an activity. For example the client points to a picture of a Peron playing on the computer, which means they possibly, would like to do this activity.
-Pictures can be taken and be used as evidence for when applying for grants
-Pictures can be taken of home modifications and used as evidence of before and after shots

**An additional task in this tutorial was to demonstrate my competence in using a digital camera and tripod, capturing 5 images to display here on my blog. I also opened a Flickr account where i uploaded the photos!

Here is the link to my Flickr account! Im not technical savy sorry kids, so couldnt create a photo badge!But here it is.. 

My photos i took are as follows :) 

APA referencing:
Wen, C, & Yang, K.2006.Image authentication for digital image evidence. Department of Forensic Science, Central Police University, Taoyuan 33304, Taiwan, ROC.Retrieved april 2nd 2011 from: