Monday 10 October 2011

Final Blog!!!!!!!! (Lecturer related material at the end)

Today is my last blog for this semester, I do hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and the journey I have gone through in this experience. I have grasped a whole new understanding of what cooking means for me, and I am excited for what my future cooking experiences will bring.
To finish off here are a few of my favourite old time pictures relating to cooking, enjoy!
See you next time! 

(Lecturer material)
My Feedback links:

Reference List:
Ephron, N. (Director). Powell, J. (Actor). (2009). Julie & Julia [Motion picture]. United States: Columbia Pictures.

Fitzherbert, J. (1882). The book of Husbandry. Reprinted from the edition of 1534, ed. W.W.Skeat.London: Published for the English Dialect Society.

Jungersen, K. (1994). Te Whare Pora (The house of weaving): Reflections on weaving and Occupational Therapy. Occupation, 2(1), 35.

Puketapu-Hete, E. (1989). Maori weaving. Auckland:Pitman.

Rongoken, L.(1992).Tivaevae: Portraits of Cook Islands quilting. Daphne Brasell Associates Press: Wellington.

William. (1883). Facts: Or, the Experiences of a Recent Colonist in New Zealand. Published by William, Willow Grove, Yalding, Kent.

(References I found related appropriately)
 Creek, J, & Lawson-porter, A. (2007). Contemporary issues in occupational therapy: reasoning and reflection.Chichester.John Wiley & Sons ltd.

 Haley, L., & McKay, E. (2004, March 1). Baking Gives You Confidence: Users Views of Engaging in the Occupation of Baking. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(3), 125-128.

Harder, F. (2009).The Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson. Retrieved September 18 2011 from:  

 Mulligan, M. (2009). Marx Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. Progress Publishers Moscow. Retrieved September 17 2011 from:

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