Monday 18 April 2011

Tutorial Three: Blog Creation Tasks

Bula vinaka!
Well well well, tutorial three is all about blog creating! Its obvious to most people who know me that I am not a technical savvy person and  I like to blame the colour of my hair which is blonde, well was blonde until it change d to brown a month ago, but I still like to use that excuse ;-)
To start with I thought I would provide n explanation of what a blog really is for those who may be intrigued!
So what is a blog? “A blog (also called a weblog or web log) is a website consisting of entries (also called posts) appearing in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first (similar in format to a daily journal). Blogs typically include features such as comments and links to increase user interactivity. Blogs are created using specific publishing software” (Gunelius, S. 2011).

Surprisingly I have easily created my blog account here on Google, completed the attributes required such as choosing a blog template, providing a blog title and outline, and complete my blog profile. Choosing colours, pictures and fun things to put on here is certainly a fun experiment that’s for sure!!
The final task in this tutorial was to start posting information onto my blogs, which to be honest is becoming a night mare, although if you are reading this on my blog I must have sorted things!!
Things for me to do within the next while is get onto working out how to use my Flickr account which i produced in tutorial two, such as uploading my photos from there onto here!
Well I best get to it,
Talofa Lava!

APA reference:

Gunelius, S. 2011.What is a Blog. Retrieved April 2nd 2011 from:

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