Thursday 15 September 2011

Participation and Occupation 2 Blog

 Kiaora! This new blog is created for the paper ‘Participation In Occupation Two’. In this course we are looking at activity analysis, where we are required to create a blog to express our personal experiences of a chosen activity, which In this case I have chosen to analyse my experiences of Cooking 2 hours a week. I will be expressing cooking from all aspects in terms of ergonomics, ambience, affordances and practical considerations.

Lets get started....
Today I had my fist face to face tutorial for this course with our new lecturer! We were involved in an engaging reflective writing exercise where we brained stormed a range of occupations under the headings food (everything that is consumed), paper (permanent things in the world)  and plays (how we express ourselves). We were then asked to choose a specific activity from what we had brainstormed and without hesitation I chose COOKING as I instantly felt a connection due to my passion and love of Cooking! So, what is cooking?......

Food + Cooking = Fundamental human need. . . .  .
Food is a fundamental human need and well as a fundamental indicator of culture and belief. In order to consume food we need to go through the processes of food production i.e COOKING! Alleyne (2011)states that Cooking is the process of preparing food by applying heat selecting, measuring and combining of ingredients in an ordered procedure for producing safe and edible food. The process includes a number of methods, tools and combinations of ingredients to help with the flavor or digestibility of food. Factors affecting the final outcome include the variability of ingredients, ambient conditions, tools, and how good the individual can cook. Applying heat to a food usually, though not always, chemically transforms it, which also changes the flavor, texture, consistency, appearance, and nutritional properties.

The MEANING of cooking to me……
*From a young age I was required to teach myself how to cook in order to put food on the table for my family in the evenings, because the pressure on my parents from owning a business and  working long hours meant they were very stressed and tired, so just a simple gesture of preparing a meal for them each night by the time they got home really meant a lot. They could come home, relax and enjoy there families company over a nice meal without the pressure of preparing a meal for the whole family.

*Fun   *Meaningful *Passionate about it        *Way to express myself *What I produce feeds my rumbling tummy *Constantly learning new cooking skills and enhancing my knowledge *Social activity as I enjoy inviting friends and family over to shear what I cook *Cooking is a way to learn roles and responsibilities.

Just a thought to ponder until next time…
Cooking has many functions, and only one of them is about feeding people. When we go into a kitchen, indeed when we even just think about going into a kitchen, we are both creating and responding to an idea we hold about ourselves, about what kind of person we are or wish to be. How we eat and what we eat lies at the heart of who we are as individuals, families, communities (Nigella Lawson, 2004).


Alleyne, A. (2011). What is Cooking. Retrieved 7 septemeber 2011 from:

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